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Change the world

Student Success is crucially important for the individual student, the University, and our nation. Academic staff put in huge efforts in designing and delivering high quality academic programmes. Students work hard at engaging and understanding these materials, but despite the best efforts of both these parties frequently student success remains elusive.

“The Learning and Teaching Collaborative for Student Success” most often referred to as the “LT Collab” has four clusters that focus on a range of programmes that seek to enable student success. One of these cluster, “Learning Development” focusses particularly on programmes that seek to enable students to build their success. Our goal is “Empowering students holistically on their learning pathways through nurturing, targeted and collaborative learning experiences.”

To enable and empower students on their road to success there are a number of programmes providing a range of support and development opportunities. These are:

  • Academic Literacies
    • Academic and Life Management Modules (ALM)
    • Academic Literacies Writing Programme
    • First Year Success (FYS)
  • Learning Development
    • Learning Development
    • Supplemental Instruction (SI)
  • Student Success Coaching
  • Research

Whether you see yourself as  a student who is struggling or performing to your potential you are encouraged to engage with these programmes as they will provide support and encouragement so that you are able to maximise the wonderful opportunity you have at University to change your world and that of those around you.  


All the best,

LD Team